May 22, 2012

Winter Water Factory

On Gilt today. One of my absolute favorite brands for bebe. 'Tis harder to find pretty prints for a boy than you might think. If there is a next one, and she is a she, there will be patterns and prints everyday. She will be a crawling, cooing optical illusion. In the meantime, for my Dash, I bought our favorite pieces in the next size up, because it will be pure tragedy when he outgrows his current size. 

Empty your wallets, fill your hearts, people! Shop here.


Ivy said...

If and when we are blessed with #3, and she is a she, someone will need to take away my wallet/credit cards. I will go nuts buying all of the cute clothes with adorable prints!

jackie said...

I know what you mean. Most of my baby boy's clothes are stripes cause it's hard to find any other cute patterns!

Jen said...

Right?! I LOVE stripes, LOVE them. A little variety would be nice though!